Thursday, September 13, 2012

FAB Mum Liz Kerry - Yoga All The Way

Liz is one of those mums who makes your green with envy. Dream pregnancy, dream birth, dream baby. And like lots of mums like Liz, she's a big yoga fan (which might just have something to do with it. Personally my own yogic breathing bit the dust when I was about 3cm dilated - both times - but hey it can't work for all of us).

So anyway, like 43% of us, Liz's top barrier to exercise as a new mum is *TIME* (check out the latest netmums survey). Here is her story, she is this week's FAB mum!

Liz: My pregnancy went pretty smoothly, I was lucky not to suffer from morning sickness.  My only problem was constant tiredness, which made it difficult to continue exercising.  I did, however, manage to do prenatal yoga - my baby was a week overdue so I was practising every day trying to persuade him to come out!  I was so lucky to have a dream labour and birth.  It was about a four hour labour ending with a water birth, so Alex had a little swim before he floated up to the surface to meet us!

I think the hardest thing about getting back into exercise as a new mum is time.  Not only do you have this new little baby to look after, but you're also trying to recover from the pregnancy and birth. After nine months, your body doesn't really feel like yours anymore and certainly looks a lot different!  The best thing about my RSM program is that I started off slowly with really gentle exercises that you can do when you're lying in bed, sitting on the couch and even while feeding your baby.  Then once I was feeling up to it the sessions gradually strengthened me. It really helps you increase your confidence.

I found it difficult to fit in the sessions at first, but I've made it a habit now that when Alex goes down for a nap I either do the 5-minute mummy tummy workout or a few exercises from one of the other sessions before I do anything else.  You need to make yourself a priority, as it's so easy to lose yourself in your mummy role and forget your own needs.

My original goal was to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes, as I love fashion.  I'm just about there now so my new goal is to be fitter than I was before I became pregnant and to run a 10k race.  I've done yoga for over 10 years so I was also keen to be strong enough to start my usual practice again, which I'm pleased to say that I now am!

Another great thing about being a fit mum is that I will be able to encourage Alex to lead an active life, I think that's very important.  We already go for long walks together and to Mum & Baby yoga classes and I'm looking forward to taking him hill walking as a family soon.

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